I’m a new mom for 3 weeks and I understand so we’ll that crying when nothing works well anymore, but I strongly disagree with “you matter less”. Why? Because our babies rely entirely on us in their first months after birth. And as weird as it might sound if we matter less, the care towards them will be less. That’s why we need to pull ourselves and take care even more, if not for us than for our babies.
I’m so annoyed and tired of this societally painted picture of motherhood - and the fact that our dear ones check with us exactly with those questions: How are you sleeping, does the baby has a good latch? How’s motherhood - who the fuck knows how’s motherhood after 3 days? Of course, is magical because you’re still on oxytocin and the baby doesn’t have colicky pain.
It's like making you feel guilty if you're feeling good, or questioning why isn't hard for me. Instead of enjoying those good moments and keeping yourself relaxed and managing your recovery.
I hope your journey has gotten better by now, or your reaction towards it. Remember that it is normal for us to feel overwhelmed, but don't expect to “hit you” - as we get what we’re looking for. So let's look for a better experience. ✨💫🫂